Internet Connections

There are countless ways for an enterprise to connect to the Internet.

For example, private WAN technologies such as leased lines and MPLS VPNs can be used to connect to a service provider's Internet infrastructure.

In addition, technologies such as CATV and DSL commonly used by consumers (home Internet access) can also be used by an Enterprise.

These days, for both enterprise and consumer Internet access, fiber optic Ethernet connections are growing in popularity due to the high speeds they provide over long distances.

Let's briefly look at two Internet access technologies mentioned above: cable (CATV) and DSL.

Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)

DSL provides Internet connectivity to customers over phone lines, and can share the same phone line that is already installed in most homes.

A DSL modem (modulator-demodulator) is required to convert data into a format suitable to be sent over the phone lines.

  • The modem might be a separate device, or it might be incorporated into the 'home router'.

Cable Internet

Cable Internet provides Internet access via the same CATV (Cable Television) lines used for TV service.

Like DSL, a cable modem is required to convert data into a format suitable to be sent over the CATV cables.

  • Like a DSL modem, this can e a separate device or built into the home router.

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