Quiz 1

Question 1

Which field of an Ethernet frame provides receiver clock synchronization ?

  1. Preamble

  2. SFD

  3. Type

  4. FCS

Question 2

How long is the physical address of a network device ?

  1. 32 bytes

  2. 32 bites

  3. 48 bytes

  4. 48 bits

Question 3

What is the OUI of this MAC address ? E8BA.7011.2874

  1. E8BA

  2. E8BA.70

  3. 7011

  4. E8BA.7011

Question 4

Which field of an Ethernet frame does a switch use to populate its MAC address table ?

  1. Preamble

  2. Length

  3. Source MAC address

  4. Destination MAC address

Question 5

What kind of frame does a switch flood out of all interfaces except the one it was received on ?

  1. Unknown unicast

  2. Known unicast

  3. Allcast


Question 1

  • Preamble

Question 2

  • 48 bits

Question 3

  • E8BA.70

The OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier) is the first half (24 bits) of a MAC address. It is a unique value assigned to the maker of the device.

Question 4

  • Source MAC address

Question 5

  • Unknown unicast

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