
Question 1

What is the fixed binary value of the first field of an IPv4 header?

  1. 0010;

  2. 0110;

  3. 0001;

  4. 0100.

  1. 0100.

Question 2

Which field will cause the packet to be dropped if it has a value of 0?

  1. TTL;

  2. DSCP;

  3. IHL;

  4. ECN.

  1. TTL.

Question 3

How are errors in an IPv4 packet's encapsulated data detected?

  1. The IPv4 Header Checksum field checks for errors;

  2. The encapsulated protocol (TCP, UDP) checks for errors;

  3. Errors in the encapsulated data cannot be detected.

  1. The encapsulated protocol (TCP, UDP) checks for errors.

Question 4

Which field of an IPv4 header is variable in length?

  1. Options;

  2. Header Checksum;

  3. Total Length;

  4. IHL;

  1. Options.

Question 5

Which bit will be set to 1 on all IPv4 packet fragments except the last fragment?

  1. Fragment Offset bit;

  2. More Fragments bit;

  3. Don't Fragment bit;

  4. Packet Fragment bit;

  1. More Fragments bit.

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