Basic concepts

Scheduling Definition

Task scheduling (also applies to messages, with due adaptations).

  • Sequence of task executions (jobs) in one or more processors.

  • σ(t) is a step function, which can be expressed e.g. as a Gantt graph.

A schedule is called feasible if it fulfills all the task requirements.

  • temporal, non-preemption, shared resources, precedences, ...

A task set is called schedulable if there is at least one feasible schedule for that task set.

Scheduling problem


  • A task set.

  • Requirements of the tasks (or cost function).

Find a time attribution of processor(s) to tasks so that:

  • Tasks are completely executed, and

  • Meet they requirements (or minimize the cost function).

E.g. J = Ji (Ci = 1, ai = 1, Di = 5), i = {1..5}


Build a Gantt diagram for the execution of the following periodic tasks, admitting Di = Ti and no preemption.

  • τ = {(1, 5)(6, 10)}

Is the execution order important? Why?


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