Schedulability tests based on utilization

RM Scheduling

Schedulability tests for RM based on task utilization.

  • Valid with preemption, n independent tasks, D=T.

  • Liu&Layland’s (1973), Least Upper Bound (LUB).

  • Bini&Buttazzo&Buttazzo’s (2001), Hyperbolic Bound.

Interpretation of the Liu&Layland test

Some values

Example 1

Task properties.

Example 2

Task properties.

  • But the task set is schedulable (see Gantt chart).

Example 3

Task set properties.

  • And the task set indeed is not schedulable (see Gantt chart).

Harmonic Periods

Particular case: if the task periods are harmonic then the task set is schedulable iif U(n) ≤ 1.

  • E.g. Γ = {(1, 2); (2, 4)}

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