Other deadline assignment criteria

LSF Scheduling

Least Slack First : Executes first the task with smaller slack (Li (t)=di −ci (t))

LSF vs EDF short comparison.

  • LS is optimal (as EDF)

  • As the slack ↑ the priority ↓

  • Priority of ready tasks increases as time goes by.

    • Rescheduling only on instants where there are activations or terminations.

  • Priority of the task in the running state does not change.

    • In EDF the priorities of all tasks (ready and executing) increase equally as time goes by.

  • Causes an higher number of preemptions than EDF (and thus higher overhead).

  • No significant advantages with respect to EDF!


FCFS Scheduling

Execute tasks as they arrive. Priority depends on the arrival order. A brief comparison between FCFS and EDF/LLF.

  • Non optimal.

    • May lead to deadline misses even with very low CPU utilization rates.

  • Job age ↑ Priority ↑

  • Priority of the ready and running tasks increases as time goes by (an in EDF).

  • New jobs always get the lower priority.

  • There are no preeemptions (smaller overhead and facilitates the implementation).

  • Very poor temporal behavior!


When the “age” is the same the tie break criteria is decisive!

Last updated