Real-Time Services in Linux

Embedded Linux and real-time

Linux and other open-source software are increasingly used for developing Embedded Systems.

Many of these applications have real-time requirements.

Ideally we would like to:

  • Have the advantages of Linux: HW support, low cost, modularity, openess, ...

  • And meet deadlines!

Linux was developed as generic desktop and server time-sharing OS.

  • Objectives are: optimize throughput, improve the average utilization of resources (CPU, memory, I/O), ...

  • Timeliness in not a main issue.

Conversely, dedicated Real-Time Operative Systems (RTOS) are engineered for having temporal determinism, often at expenses of throughput.

In fact, throughput and temporal determinism are often conflicting requirements.

  • Optimizing for one impacts negatively on the other.

Improving the real-time performance of Linux

Approach 1

Modify the Linux kernel to improve its temporal behavior.

  • Bound the latency of syscalls, introduce fine-grain preemption, improve timer resolution, create specific services for real-time, proper scheduling, etc.

Many of these features have been added to the mainline Linux kernel (from the PREEMPT_RT project).

Approach 2

Add a RTOS “under” linux. Linux becomes a background task of the RTOS.

  • Approach followed e.g. by RTAI, Xenomai, ...

Hints on Linux kernel latency sources

A typical event sequence in a real-time application is:

  • An event causes a CPU interrupt.

  • The corresponding ISR is executed, activating a user-space task associated with the event.

  • Eventually this task is executed and completes, thus closing the reaction to the event.

    • Time elapsed between an event and the corresponding task activation is the latency

The objective is reduce, as much as possible, the latency!

kernel latency = interrupt latency + handler duration + scheduler latency + scheduler duration

Interrupt latency sources:

  • Linux kernel (including device-drivers) disables interrupts for certain operations.

  • Interrupts can interrupt other interrupts (nesting).

Interrupt handlers are split in two parts (top/bottom; fast/slow).

Linux kernel is preemptive.

  • But not fully! Syscalls have variable duration and limited preemption.

In addition, there are many other sources of latency and jitter that affect real-time tasks in Linux:

  • Scheduler latency.

  • Linux makes intensive use of virtual memory. Access to data that is on disk takes much longer than access to data that is in RAM.

  • The same applies to cache.

  • Many C library functions have not been designed for deterministic execution.

  • Priority inversion.

    • Due to shared resources.

  • Interrupt prioritization.


Some of the improvements already integrated on the mainline kernel.

  • O(1) scheduler.

  • Fixed-priority scheduler.

  • Kernel preemption.

  • Improvements to the POSIX real-time API support.

  • Mutexes with “Priority inheritance” support.

  • High resolution timers.

  • Threaded interrupts.

  • sched_deadline, EDF scheduling with CBS.

  • ...

There are Linux distributions that already provide a patched kernel.

Example: preemption control

Linux supports different preemption levels.

  • For real-time use it may require compiling the Linux kernel with the right options.

PREEMPT_RT provides additional preemption levels.

  • Preemptible Kernel or Basic RT (PREEMPT_RTB).

  • Preemptible Kernel (PREEMPT_RT_FULL).

Checking Linux kernel configuration.

  • Linux kernel configuration can be obtained via:

#cat /boot/config-$(uname -r)

Preemption status can be accessed via:

pedreiras:~$ cat /boot/config-$(uname -r) | grep PREEMPT


Kernel code (interrupts, exceptions, system calls) never are preempted.

  • Common default configuration in many distributions.

  • Better performance for systems that carry intensive processing, if the objective is to maximize throughput.

    • Minimizes context switches and associated overheads.


Kernel code is preemptable at specific points.

  • Useful on desktop environments, as it increases the reactivity (as perceived by an human user).

  • Rescheduling points are explicitly added to the kernel code.

  • Low impact on throughput.


Most of the kernel becomes preemptable.

  • In most cases, when a process is dispatched it can start execution before the completion of pending syscalls (issued by other processes).

  • However, there are non-preemptible critical sections protected by spinlocks.

    • Better option for Embedded Systems with RT requirements.

    • Low/moderate impact on throughput.

Best RT performance (without PREEMPT_RT patch) is obtained with this option!

Last updated