Response-time analysis

For arbitrarily fixed priorities, including RM, DM and others, the Response Time Analysis is an exact test (i.e., a necessary and sufficient condition) in the following conditions:

  • full preemption, synchronous release, independent tasks and D ≤ T.

Worst-case response time (WCRT, Rwc, R,...) = maximum time interval between arrival and finish instants.

Schedulability test based on the WCRT

The WCRT of a given task occurs when the task is activated at the same time as all other high-priority tasks (critical instant).

Ii – interference caused by the execution of higher priority tasks.

Computing Rwci

The equation is solved iteratively. Stop conditions are:

  • A deadline is violated.

    • Rwci(m) > Di

  • Convergence (two successive iterations yield the same result).

    • Rwc i (m + 1) = Rwc i (m)



Restrictions to the schedulability tests previously presented

The previous schedulability tests must be modified in the following cases:

  • Non-preemption.

  • Tasks not independent.

    • Share mutually exclusive resources.

    • Have precedence constrains.

  • It is also necessary to take into account the overhead of the kernel, because the scheduler, dispatcher and interrupts consume CPU time.

Impact of non-preemption

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