On-line scheduling with dynamic priorities

Dynamic priorities

Ready Queue sorted by instantaneous priorities and dynamically re-sorted (if/when necessary)

Scheduling is based in dynamic criteria, i.e. one that is known only at run-time.

The dynamic parameter used to sort the ready tasks can be understood as a dynamic priority.

The ready queue is (re)sorted according with decreasing priorities whenever there is a priority change. Executes first the task that has the greater instantaneous priority.

  • Complexity O(n.log(n))


  • Scales well (wrt SCS).

    • Changes made to the task set are immediately seen by the scheduler.

  • Accommodates easily sporadic tasks (wrt SCS).

  • Allows higher utilization levels than Fixed Priorities.


  • More complex implementation (wrt SCS and FP).

  • Higher overhead (wrt SCS and FP).

    • Re-sorting of the ready queue; depends on the algorithm.

  • “Unpredictability” on overloads (wrt FP).

    • It is not possible to know a priori which tasks will fail deadlines.

Priority allocation approaches

Inversely proportional to the time to the deadline.

  • EDF – Earliest Deadline First.

    • Optimal among all dynamic priority criteria.

  • Inversely proportional to the laxity or slack.

    • LSF (LST or LLF) – Least Slack First.

      • Optimal among all dynamic priority criteria.

  • Inversely proportional to the service waiting time.

    • FCFS –First Come First Served.

      • Not optimal with respect to meet deadlines; extremely poor real-time performance.

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