The Phone Network

Telephone System

Uses switched circuits (virtuals...).

Access via low bandwidth circuits.

“out-of-band” call establishment using signaling system based in packets (SS7).

Channels between switching exchanges carry multiple calls

  • Multiplexing (analogue or digital)

Public telephony (PSTN): history

  • 1876 invention of the phone

  • 1915 first transcontinental connection (NY–SF)

  • 1920’s first automatic switching exchanges

  • 1956 transatlantic cable TAT-1 (35 linhas)

  • 1962 digital transmission (T1)

  • 1974 Internet: voice over packets

  • 1977 digital switching exchange

  • 1980s Signaling System #7 (out-of-band)

  • 1988 RDIS (ISDN Blue Book)

  • 1990s Intelligent Networks

  • (1990s ATM)

  • 2000 local bundle liberalization (Europe)

Last updated