The Mobile Network

Data vs voice traffic

Edholm’s Law

Cost of investment in telecom

Motivations for technologies

Consumer Traffic, VNI

Increased Internet-based services

Phone market is now saturated.

“Everything” came to “data communications”.

Increased broadband requirements

P2P being replaced by service-based.

Internet access 2x every 2 years – fiber access now blooming.

70% broadband penetration.

Increased mobility and roaming

Always on and session continuity.

Increased end-user content.

  • Both WLAN and 4G.

Increased context information.

  • Increased personalization.

  • Increased machine/vehicle/object communications.

The opportunity provided by network heterogeneity

A Mobile Storage Revolution …

Embedded Flash

128mb >>> 64GB

  • Small size to minimise handset cost;

  • Used for storing system data: applications, messages, contacts, ring-tones.

Embedded (SD/H)DD

2GB >>> 256 GB

  • Large storage for user content;

  • But high impact on terminal cost;

Memory Card

128mb >>> 1 TB

  • Large and removable storage for easy transfer of user content;

  • Interoperable with other consumer electronic devices;

  • Provides a distribution channel for selling content.

... a Multiplicity of Local Connectivity


  • Bluetooth;

  • WiFi;

  • Memory cards;

  • USB;

  • Near Field Communications:

    • device pairing & local network configuration;

    • service discovery/initiation.


All of the above with the addition of:

  • WLAN+ (802.11g++);

    • home and office connectivity;

    • wireless extension of DSL in the home;

  • UWB;

    • wireless USB;

  • TV/DVB;

The wireless framework

Mobile systems is THE major business.

Operators are becoming increasingly focused on mobile customers.

  • Most of market will be wireless anyway on the access;

Services are now a dominant aspect in this arena.

  • Large economic fights ongoing.

Mobility brought a novel importance to Location- based Services (LBS).

  • Now proximity is a dynamic variable for the user.

Last updated