
Bluetooth devices connected in an “ad-hoc” cell.

There is a master with up to 7 active slaves and several hundreds parked.

  • Slaves only communicate with master.

  • Slaves must wait for permission from master.

Master defines radio parameters (”clock” and “deviceID”).

  • Channel, hopping sequence, timing, ...

Each piconet has an unique FH pattern (e and a single ID).

Each piconet has a maximum bandwidth (1MSPS).

A slave in one piconet can also be part of another piconet.

  • Either as a master or as a slave.

  • If master, it can create scatternets.


FH-SS: all devices must share the same hopping pattern:

  • Master provides clock and deviceID such that:

    • deviceID (48-bits) defines hopping pattern.

    • Clock defines phase inside the pattern.

If a device is inside a piconet, and is not connected, sb it must be in standby.

There are two types of piconet addresses (7+200...).

  • Active Member Address (AMA, 3-bits).

    • Parked Member Address (PMA, 8-bits).

Before setup

In operation

Device states


  • Waiting to join a piconet.


  • Ask about radios to connect to (discover nodes).


  • Connect to a specific radio.


  • Actively on a piconet (master or slave).


  • Low Power connected states.

Connection Procedure

General Inquiry Access Code (GIAC).

Dedicated Inquiry Access Code (DIAC).

Low-Power Operation in BT classic

3 modes:

  • Hold: node sleeps for specified interval.

    • Master can put slaves in hold while searching for new members, attending another piconet, etc.

    • No ACL packets (Asynchronous Connection-Less) -> general data packets.

      • (there is also Synchronous Connection Oriented -> Audio).

  • Sniff: slave low-duty cycle mode.

    • Slave wakes up periodically to talk to master.

    • Fixed “sniff” intervals.

  • Park:

    • Very low power state.

    • Used to admit more than 7 slaves in piconet.

      • Slave gives up its active member address.

      • Receives “parked” member address.

    • Wakes up periodically listening for broadcasts which can be used to “unpark” node.

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