
Stands for “Long Range”.

To be used in long-lived battery-powered devices scenarios.


  • Parts of the protocol are well documented, others not.

  • They own the radio part (but sub-licensing is on the way).

  • You can install your own gateways.

LoRa usually means two different things:

  • LoRa: a physical layer that uses Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS) modulation.

  • LoRaWAN: a MAC layer protocol.


Physical layer

Developed by Semtech.

Low-range, low-power and low-throughput.

Operates on 433-, 868- (EU) or 915 (US) MHz bands.

Payload from 2 to 255 octets (2Kb).

  • Depends on configuration parameters.

Datarate: up to 50Kbps.

In Europe, 8 channels with a bandwidth of 0.3MHz are used.


MAC mechanism for controlling communications between end devices and LoRaWAN gateways. For all devices, it manages:

  • Communication frequencies.

  • Data rate.

  • Power.

Open Standard developed by the LoRa Alliance.


Star of stars topology.

Devices transmit data asynchronously.

  • Data is received by multiple gateways.

  • Each gateway forwards received data to a centralized network server, using a backhaul link (Ethernet or cellular).

  • The network server:

    • Filters duplicate packets

      • Packet with the strongest signal gets decoded

    • Realizes security checks.

    • Manages the network


Physical Layer


  • (changing a signal, the carrier, in a way that allows it to contain information to be transmitted).

LoRa uses a proprietary Spread-Spectrum modulation technique: Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS).

(A chirp is a signal in which frequency raises or lowers with time)

  • Tries to increase range by:

    • Sending information with more power (within regulated values - <14dBm or 25mW).

    • Or by lowering the data rate.

  • Increases link budget.

  • Increases immunity to in-band interference.

This, along with Forward Error Correction techniques, contribute to extend the range and robustness of radio communication links.

  • Compared to FSK.

Has different Spread Factors (SF7 to SF12).

  • Spread factors can set the modulation rate and tune the distance.

  • They indicate how fast or slow is the chirp (how many chirps you get per second) → how much data you can encode per second.

    • The higher the SF, the lower the datarate.

    • Each SF is 2x slower than the one before.

    • The slower you send your data, the farther you can send it.

      • The interface has more time to decode and sensititviy is increased.

This helps on scaling the network.

  • Closer nodes receive data much faster.

  • Air is ”cleared” for other nodes to transmit.

  • By adding more gateways, devices get nearer to them, applying the above.

For a 125kHz bw (configurable by design).

The Bandwidth (kHz), Spreading Factor and Coding Rate are design variables that allow a system to optimize the trade-off between.

  • Occupied bandwidth.

  • Data rate.

  • Link budget.

  • Interference immunity.

By using software, it is possible to combine these values to define a transmission mode.


  • Show how wide is going to be the transmission signal.

  • 3 options: 125 kHz, 250 kHz or 500 kHz.

  • Greater reach: 125 kHz.

  • Greater transmission speed: 500 kHz.

  • Less bandwidth = more airtime = more sensitivity = more battery consumed.

Coding Rate.

  • 4 options: 4/5, 4/6, 4/7 and 4/8.

  • Meaning:

    • Every 4 useful bytes are going to be encoded by 5, 6, 7 or 8 transmission bits.

  • Smaller coding rate: 4/8.

  • Lower coding rate = more airtime.

Spreading Factor

  • Number of chips per symbol used in data treatment before the transmission signal.

  • 7 options: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

  • Greater Spreading Factor = Greater Range = more air time.




  • Devices (low-power) that communicate with the LoRa Gateway.

  • They are not associated to a particular gateway.

  • They are, however, associated to a Network Server.


  • Intermediate devices that relay packets between end-devices and a network server.

  • Linked to the Network server via a higher bandwidth backhaul network.

  • They add information about the quality of reception, when forwarding a packet from an end-device to a network server.

  • They are transparent to the end-devices.

  • There are multiple gateways in a network.

  • Multiple gateways can receive the same packet transmitted from the same end-device.

Network Server.

  • Decodes and de-duplicates packets sent from devices.

  • Generates packets to be sent towards devices.

  • Choses the appropriate gateway to send packets to a specific end-device.

Device Classes

End-devices classes

Class A – bi-directional.

Lowest power consumption.

Devices schedule uplink transmissions according to their requirements, with a small variation before transmission.

Each uplink transmission is followed by two short downlink receive windows.

  • Downlink transmissions at any other time have to wait until the next uplink transmission.

  • Less flexibility for downlink.

Class B – bi-directional with scheduled receive slots

Devices open more receive windows at scheduled times.

There is a synchronized beacon from the gateway to the network server, indicating when the device is listening.

Class C – bi-directional with maximal receive slots

Greatest power consumption.

Almost continuous receiving windows.

  • Server can initiate transmission almost anytime.

End-Device Duty Cycle

Besides transmission frequency, duty cycle regulations apply.

Delay between successive frames sent by a device.

1% limitation for end-devices.

  • Device has to wait 100x the time it took for it to send the message, in order to be able to send again in the same channel.

Gateways: 10%.


MAC Commands.

  • Allows the network to customize end-device parameters.


  • Link status (this can be send by the end-device itself).

  • Device battery.

  • Device margin (SNR).


  • Datarate.

  • TX power.

  • TX and RX channels.

  • RX timing.

  • Repetition.

  • Duty cycle.

  • Dwell time.

End-Device Connection to a network.

  • Also known as Activation.

This process provides the end-device with:

  • End-device address (DevAddr): An identifier composed by the network identifier (7bit) and by the end-device’s network address (25bit).

  • App identifier (AppEUI): Unique identification of the end-device owner.

  • Network Session Key (NwkSKey): A key used by both the network server and end-device to verify and ensure message integrity.

  • App Session Key (AppSKey): A key used by both the network server and end-device to encrypt the payload of received messages.

Note on security:

  • LoRaWAN protocol security is based on 802.15.4.

    • AES-128.

To activate the device, there are two procedures:

  • Over-the-Air Activation (OTAA).

    • Join-Request and Join-Response messages are exchanged in each new session, allowing the end-devices to obtain the network and application session keys.

  • Activation By Personalization (ABP).

    • The devices have both keys already stored internally.

Adaptive Data Rate.

  • The network tells the node at which data rate it can send data.

    • Manages the SF for each end-device.

  • The aim is to:

    • Optimize for fastest data rate versus range.

    • Maximize battery life.

    • Maximize network capacity.

Typically, there is no node-to-node direct communication.

  • LoRaWAN allows this by having 2 gateways and a network server in between the nodes.

However, most end-device vendors also include (for testing, mostly) a raw form of LoRa.

  • Allows peer-to-peer communication between nodes.

  • Contains only the link layer protocol.

  • Only allows a very small number of nodes in a topology.

    • There is no packet management.

Last updated