Bluetooth Stack

  • L2CAP – Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol.

  • LMP – Link Manager Protocol.

  • HID – Human Interface Device.

  • RFCOMM – serial cable emulation (ETSI).

Bluetooth includes:

  • A HW description.

  • An environment for applications.

Bluetooth Protocol

Radio layer.

Defines requirements for a Bluetooth radio transceiver.

  • Handles conformity to 2.4GHz band.

  • Establishes specifications for using Spread-Spectrum Frequency Hopping.

  • Classifies device into one of three power classes:

    • long range; (Class 1 - 100mW, 100m)

    • normal/standard range; (Class 2 - 2.5mW, 10m)

    • short range; (Class 3 - 1 mW, 1m)

RF: international 2.4Ghz band

2.4GHz issues.

  • Channel BW limited to 1MHz.

  • Spread spectrum must be used.

  • Multiple independent networks can interfere.

  • Microwave ovens also use these frequencies.

  • ICs at 2.4 GHz need huge current levels.

Bluetooth remedies.

  • 1 Mb/s baud taxes exploit BW at maximum.

  • Voice coding (CVSDM) allow high speed operation.

  • Fast “frequency hoping” and small packets to avoid interference.

  • Interface with the channel minimizes power consumption.

  • Interface specifications are relaxed enough to allow its integration in low power chipsets.

Radio Layer

Radio: FH SS.

  • 79/23 channels of 1 Mb/s.

  • Hoping: per slot.

    • Packets have 1, 3, or 5 slots of 625 μs.

    • Hoping (nominal) 1600 times per second.

  • Frame includes two packets.

    • Transmission followed by reception.

  • Radio designed to low cost and universal usage.

    • (noise, synchronous action technology 2.4GHz, etc...).

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