Identification tools and techniques

Tool types

  • Network

  • Host

  • Cloud

  • General IT operational tools

Network tools

  • Network IDS (NIDS)

  • Network IPS

  • Firewalls

  • SIEM solutions

  • Sniffers

  • Packet brokers and aggregators

Host-based tools

  • Host-based intrusion detection

  • Host-based firewalls

  • Host event logs

Cloud-based considerations

  • Still need network and host tools

  • Most will be virtual

  • Networks based on Software Defined Networking

  • Ask CSP about options as well

IT Operations

  • IT System Administrators

  • IT Support ticketing systems

Threat Hunting Teams

Good hunt teams will find threats that slipped by everything else

Sometimes the hunt team provides the only known indicators of Compromise (IoC's)

They also have great tools!

Last updated