Incident Response assets inventory and identification

What are some IR assets?

  • People

  • Tools

    • Hardware

    • Software

What assets belong to IR?

  • Which are outright IR asset?

  • Which are shared with other teams?

    • SIEM, IDS, etc ...

Inventory what you have

Discovery through technical means

  • Port scans, memory scans, etc

Discovery through administrative means

  • Work with account payable and procurement to see what's being paid for

Discovery through work observation

  • Recently found that some of the tools the organization depended on the most were not documented

Work with IT

Already likely to have matured in the areas of asset identification

Will probably share a lot of resources, so some are already inventoried

May already have systems in place for this process

Uneducated end users

End-user attacks are the most common reasons for breach

  • Phising attacks, other social engineering, etc.

Training programs should include some knowledge of IR

Also often first indicators of attack

Validate the need for discovered tools

Sometimes, tools are outdated or no longer used but still being paid for

This will help with budgeting

Will also help with getting an idea of tools training requirements

Incident Response Stage 1 – Preparation

Last updated