Data and technologies
Threat hunting sources
Threat hunters rely on different sources of information, such as the following to create hunts:
Threat intelligence
Collection of data related to known threats and threat actors
Threat actors targeting your organization
Information sharing between organizations within the same sector
Zero-day exploits against similar organizations
New vulnerabilities being leveraged by attackers
Internal findings
The findings identified by various teams conducting assessments
Internal audit
Enterprise risk teams
Red Team
Security incidents
Lessons learned phase of incident response captures valuable information that could be leveraged by threat hunting. These could be tactics/techniques identified during incident response, gaps in coverage, vulnerabilities, etc
MITRE ATT&CK framework
Tactics and techniques outlined in the framework are great resources to identify and prioritize hunts to be conducted within your organization
Organizational knowledge
Knowledge of know gaps, broken processes, etc, derived from time spent with an organization is another great source for threat hunting
Anomalous activity
Activity that deviates from established security configurations or behaviors is another input for threat hunting
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