Threat hunting models
Adopt a threat hunting model, like the following, that captures the various steps associated with threat hunting
Purpose - What is the reason for the hunt?
Scope - Where is the hunt and what answers are you seeking?
Formulate - Data sources and tools utilized
Execute - Carry out the hunt
Feedback - Lessons learned
Reason for the hunt
What are the organization's goals for the hunt?
What is the hunting ground?
What are the assumptions?
What are the limitations?
What is the desired outcome?
Scope and hypothesis development
Where is the hunt and what answers are you seeking?
What are the facilities, networks and systems involved?
What data is needed for the hunt?
Hypothesis development based on threat hunting sources
Determine what's driving the hypothesis
Identify specific questions to be answered
Expected outcomes
Ensure scope still aligns with the purpose
Data sources and tools
Identify data sources needed for the hunt based on the hypothesis
Determine analysis techniques needed to answer questions from the hypothesis
Understand the tools required to gather and analyze data
Carry out the hunt
Gather data identified in the formulate stage
Utilize analysis techniques to prove or disprove hypotheses
Employ additional tools, techniques and data sets as needed
Capture results as you proceed with the hunt
Lessons learned from the hunt
This is the final step of the process that analyzes all steps of the hunt
All parties involved in the hunt provide their feedback for the different stages
Were the hypotheses well-defined?
Was the outcome achieved?
Were identified data sources relevant?
Were the techniques used appropriate for the hunt?
Were there any visibility gaps?
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