Structured hunt scenario
CostaRicto was a suspected cyber-espionage compaign that targeted multiple industries worldwide, with a large number being financial institutions
Your senior management is concerned that this is a potential threat to your organization, and your threat hunting teamwas summoned to hunt for this compaignand to report back
The purpose for your threat hunt is to determine if there is any indication that your organization is being targeted or if it is a victim
The goal is to uncover presence of CostaRicto in your environments and determine where you have gaps in your protection/detection
The hunting ground is the locations of sensitive data that the threat actors are interested in exfiltrating
Identify any assumptions for your threat hunt in terms of the locations where data is and what normal usage is
Identify any limitations for the hunt like data or resource availability
The desired outcome is to successfully accomplish the goals set forth for the hunt
You review the tactics and techniques used by this campaign to understand how the campaihn operates during each phase of the attack life cycle to determine the Scope
This is what differentiates structured hunts from other type of hunts
Here are some of the techniques used by the campaign:
Data from local system: Data and files collected from compromised networks
Develop capabilities: Custom malware PS1, CostaBricks and SombRAT used
External remote services: Remote tunneling using SSH tool to maintain access
Ingress tool transfer: Downloaded malware and tools onto a compromised host
Network service discovery: Employed nmap and pscan to scan target environments
Obtain capabilities: Obtained open-source tools to use in their operations
Proxy: Used a layer of proxies to manage C2 communications
Scheduled task/job: Scheduled tasks created to download backdor tools
Here are some of the tools used by the campaign:
Determine what techniques and tools you would focus on and identify the network/systems involved
Identify data that is needed for the hunt at a high level, based on the techniques/tools in scope
Hypothesis development
Based on intelligence gathered, you could select a specific tool for your hunt or focus on all phases of the attack life cycle and consider TTPs for each phase
There are several hash files, file names, domain names and IP addresses you could collect for SombRAT from your threat intelligence
The analytic question is if SombRAT is used during the campaign, the set of observables associated with SombRAT malware will be present
Expected outcome is to be able to prove the hypotheses by locating the artifacts in your environment
The hunter should formulate a plan to conduct the hunt, based on the scope
Identify data sources needed for the hunt based on the hypothesis:
EDR/AV/IDS logs to see if there are any alerts for this specific malware
You need proxy logs to identify URLs/domains
Firewall logs to search for IP addresses
Endpoint logs are needed to determine execution of specific file
Determine analysis techniquest needed to answer questions from the hypothesis:
You certainly need searching to look for the artifacts
Understand the tools required to gather and analyze data:
You need a EDR solution to scan for the hashes and file names on endpoins
A proxy solution is needed to log the URL visits
Firewall to log connections to IP adresses
After planning, the hunt needs to be executed by collecting and analyzing relevant data to answer questions from the hypotheses
Gather data from all the sources identified in the previous stage:
Proxy logs
Firewall logs
Endpoint logs
Utilize analysis techniquest to prove or disprove hypotheses:
Search EDR/AV/IDS logs to see if there are any laerts for this specific malware
Review proxy logs to identify URLs/domains
Search firewall logs to search for UP addresses
Review endpoint logs to determine execution of specific file
Employ additional tools/techniques/data sets as needed:
Data from a packet capture solution may be utilized to determine what occuring in the network communication
Identify if any additional data is required for analysis or if any other tools are required to capture additional data
Capture results as you proceed with the hunt:
As you are reviewing each element, document the results
If there any challenges, identify and document them
Develop threat hunt report that capture all essential details of hunt along with any additional observations:
Summarize findings for each analytic question from the hypotheses
Outline results from each data set analyzed
Document any gaps identified that limited your ability to gather or analyze data
Identify lessons from each stage of the hunt to use in the Feedback stage to improve the hunting process
Involve all parties from the hunt and seek their feedback for the different stages:
What went well during each stage of the hunt?
What could we improve for each stage of the hunt?
Did we select the right TTPs to focus on in the Scope stage?
Did we consider all data sources for analysis?
Were there any gaps in logging?
Were there any tools that we were missing to collect and analyze data?
Was there a knowledge gap?
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