
  • Gather data identified in the formulate stage

  • Utilize analysis techniques to prove or disprove hypotheses

  • Employ additional tools/techniques/data sets as needed

  • Capture results as you proceed with the hunt

  • Develop a threat hunt report that captures all essential details of the hunt along with any additional observations

Execute the hunt

After establishing a hypothesis:

  • The execute stage could consist of various iterations of data collection and analysis

  • Threat hunters collect the data identified in formulate stage

  • Apply analysis techniques from formulate stage

  • Leverage tools identified for data collection and analysis to confirm or refute the developed hypotheses



Was the admin account compromised?

Data source

Audit logs for the application in question

Analysis technique

"Identify any anomalies in the activities performed by the account (i.e. access to systems at strange times, excessive access/export of sensitive information and other unusual behavior)."

Data analysis

A hunter analyzes data to discover artifacts that match relevant indicators for the hunt:

  • Analysis can be done manually or by using data tools like a SIEM

  • While there is no substitute for manual analysis, automated analysis makes a threat hunter's life easier

Confirmed hypothesis

In the event a hypothesis is confirmed, follow these steps:

  • Examine indicators and associated timelines to determine if the attack is ongoing

  • Confirm the extent of the attack and how it affects the business

  • Follow the incident response plan, if one exists

  • If incident response plan doesn't exist, define a method of response (includes containing any active attacks, eradicating the threat from the environment and recovering affected systems)

Unconfirmed hypothesis

In the event a hypothesis cannot be confirmed, follow these steps:

  • Determine if additional data sources are required

  • Identify alternative analysis techniques if needed

  • Record all methods in which data analysis was performed

  • Report that the hypothesis could be confirmed

Last updated