Scoping and hypothesis development
Scope and hypothesis development: Where is the hunt and what answers are you seeking?
What are the facilities/network/systems involved?
What data is needed for the hunt?
Hypothesis development based on threat hunting sources
Determine what's driving the hypothesis
Identify specific questions to be answered
Expected outcomes
Ensure scope still aligns with the purpose
Scope for the hunt
A hunter needs to understand the facilities, networks and systems that should be part of the hunt
Data is the crucial element needed for the hunt as collecting relevant data is critical to the success of a hunt
Tools used by hunter is another important aspect of scoping the hunt
This is the phase where hunters narrow the field by:
Identification of systems applicable to the threat hunt
Here are a few examples:
A critical application in your environment
An important infrastructure element
A central facility
Data sources
Identify data sources relevant to the hunt:
Network data
Host data
Ensure the scope of the hunt is not too narrow, as you could miss relevant data needed
Don't make the scope too broad, as it could complicate the hunt
Make sure that the scope still supports the purpose
Hypothesis development
Hypotheses are generated to direct threat-hunting efforts
Serves as guidance to maintain the focus of the hunt and defines the direction of the hunt
Identify the types of hypotheses to be developed:
Domain knowledge-drive
Situational awareness-driven
Define the specific analytic questions to answer, based on the type of hypothesis:
Threat intelligence-driven hypotheses use specific attacker TTPs to create questions to answer
These type of hypotheses require threat intelligence with high fidelity
The intelligence should also provide information on the indicators to search, based on attacker TTPs
Analytical question examples
Below are some sample questions that may be used to formulate a hypotheses:
Are any systems under scope currently under the control of an attacker?
Have any privileged accounts been compromised?
Do we see any indicators of a specific malware used by the attacker?
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