Threat hunting models

Adopt a threat hunting model, like the following, that captures the various steps associated with threat hunting

  1. Purpose - What is the reason for the hunt?

  2. Scope - Where is the hunt and what answers are you seeking?

  3. Formulate - Data sources and tools utilized

  4. Execute - Carry out the hunt

  5. Feedback - Lessons learned


Reason for the hunt

  • What are the organization's goals for the hunt?

  • What is the hunting ground?

  • What are the assumptions?

  • What are the limitations?

  • What is the desired outcome?

Scope and hypothesis development

Where is the hunt and what answers are you seeking?

  • What are the facilities, networks and systems involved?

  • What data is needed for the hunt?

  • Hypothesis development based on threat hunting sources

  • Determine what's driving the hypothesis

  • Identify specific questions to be answered

  • Expected outcomes

  • Ensure scope still aligns with the purpose


Data sources and tools

  • Identify data sources needed for the hunt based on the hypothesis

  • Determine analysis techniques needed to answer questions from the hypothesis

  • Understand the tools required to gather and analyze data


Carry out the hunt

  • Gather data identified in the formulate stage

  • Utilize analysis techniques to prove or disprove hypotheses

  • Employ additional tools, techniques and data sets as needed

  • Capture results as you proceed with the hunt


Lessons learned from the hunt

  • This is the final step of the process that analyzes all steps of the hunt

  • All parties involved in the hunt provide their feedback for the different stages

  • Examples

    • Were the hypotheses well-defined?

    • Was the outcome achieved?

    • Were identified data sources relevant?

    • Were the techniques used appropriate for the hunt?

    • Were there any visibility gaps?

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