Entity-driven hunt scenario
Your organization may be part of information sharing distribution list that includes different entities in your sector
Different financial institutions may be experiencing an attack (could be phishing or DDoS), and they share details about the attack in the distribution list
Suppose you received information that different financial institutions are experiencing Microsoft Password expiration-themed phishing campaigns
You are provided certain information regarding the senders, subject and URLs
The purpose of this entity-driven threat hunt would be to identify if your organization is experiencing this phishing campaign or has experienced it already
You review the indicators of attack used by the phising campaign to determine the scope
Here are some of the indicators used by the campaign:
Subject: Password expiration reminder
Sender: admin@xxxx.com where xxxx stands for the evil domain
URL: xxx.evildomain.net
Body: Password for your account expires today, act immediately!
Determine what techniques/tools you would focus on
Identify data that is needed for the hunt at a high level, based on the techniques/tools in scope
Hypothesis development
Based on information gathered, you should identify the tool needed for your hunt
The analytic question is if your organization is targeted by this campaign, there would be influx of emails with the associated indicators
Expected outcome is to be able to prove the hypotheses by locating the emails in your environment
The hunter should formulate a plan to conduct the hunt, based on the scope
Identify data sources needed for the hunt, based on the hypothesis
You need email gateway logs to identify emails from the phishing campaign into your environment and determine if they were successfully delivered
You need proxy logs to identify URLs/domains visited based on user clicks and the associated status of where the request is allowed/blocked
Logs from email security solutions to identify if the email was detected as phishing
Determine analysis techniques needed to answer questions from the hypothesis
You need a searching techniques to look for the artifacts
Understand the tools required to gather and analyze data
You need an email gateway that routes your inbound email
A proxy solution is needed to log the URL visits
Email security solution
After planning, the hunter should execute the hunt by collecting and analyzing relevant data to answer questions from the hypotheses
Gather data from all the sources identified in the previous stage:
Email gateway logs
Proxy logs
Email security solution logs
Utilize analysis techniques to prove or disprove hypotheses:
Search email gateway logs for the sender/subject/URL
Search proxy logs to identify URLs/domains visited by end users and if the site was successfully presented to the user
Search email security logs to determine if the email was flagged as suspicious and blocked before delivery or removed from end user mailboxes post-delivery
Employ additional tools/techniques/data sets as needed
Identify if any additional data is required for analysis of if any other tools are required to capture aditional data
For example, the sender may have changed the sender address or the URL for your organization
You may have different proxy solutions that you need to gather data from for complete coverage
Capture results as you proceed with hunt
As you are done reviewing each indicator, document the results
If there any challenges, identify and document them
Develop threat hunt report that captures all essential details of hunt along with any additional observations
Summarize findings for each analytic question from the hypotheses
Outline results from each data set analyzed
Document any gaps identified that limited your ability to gather or analyze data
Identify lessons from each stage of the hunt to use in the feedback stage to improve the hunting process
Involve all parties from the hunt and seek their feedback for the different stages
How valuable was the crowd-sourced data that was used as a trigger for the hunt?
Were there any additional data elements that could have been gathered?
What could we improve for each stage of the hunt?
Did we select the right indicators to focus on in t he scope stage?
Did we consider all data sources for analysis?
Were there any deviations in logging?
Were there any tools that we were missing to collect and analyze data?
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