MAC addresses can be divided into two types:
UAA (Universally Administered Address)
Uniquely assigned to the device by the manufacturer
LAA (Locally Administered Address)
Manually assigned by an admin (with the mac-address command on the interface) or protocol. Doesn't have to be globally unique.
You can identify a UAA or LAA by the 7th bit of the MAC address, called the U/L bit (Universal/Local bit):
U/L bit set to 0 = UAA
U/L bit set to 1 = LAA
In the context of IPv6 addresses/EUI-64, the meaning of the U/L bit is reversed:
U/L bit set of 0 = The MAC address the EUI-64 interface ID was made from was an LAA.
U/L bit set to 1 = The MAC address the EUI-64 interface ID was made from was a UAA.
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