Scheduling policies


First-Come-First-Server (FCFS) scheduler.

  • Also known as First-In-First-Out (FIFO).

  • The oldest process in the READY queue is the first to be selected.

  • Non-preemptive (in strict sense).

    • Can be combined with a priority schema (in which case preemption exists).

  • Favours CPU-bound processes over I/O-bound.

  • Can result in bad use of both processor and I/O devices.


Draw processor utilization, assuming FCFS policy and no priorities.


Round robin (RR) scheduler.

  • Preemptive (base on a clock).

    • Each process is given a maximum slice of time before being preempted (time quantum).

    • Also known as time slicing.

  • The oldest process in the READY queue is the first one to be selected (no priorities).

    • Can be combined with a priority schema.

  • The principal design issue is the time quantum.

    • very short is good, because short processes will move through the system quickly and response time is minimized.

    • very short is bad, because every context switching involves a processing overhead.

  • Effective in general purpose time-sharing systems and in transaction processing systems.

  • Favours CPU-bound processes over I/O-bound.

  • Can result in bad use of I/O devices.


Draw processor utilization, assuming RR policy with a time quantum of 2 and no priorities.


Shortest Process Next (SPN) scheduler.

  • Also known as shortest job first (SJF).

  • Non-preemptive.

  • The process with the shortest expected next CPU burst time is selected next.

    • FCFS is used to tie up (in case several processes have the same burst time).

  • Maximum throughput.

  • Minimum average waiting time and turnaround time.

  • Risk of starvation for longer processes.

  • Requires the knowledge in advance of the (expected) processing time.

    • This value can be predicted, using the previous values.

  • Used in long-term scheduling in batch systems.

    • Where users are motivated to estimate the process time limit accurately.


Draw processor utilization, assuming SPN policy and no priorities.

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