
Generically, a resource is something a process needs in order to proceed with its execution.

  • physical components of the computational system (processor, memory, I/O devices, etc.).

  • common data structures defined at the operating system level (PCT, communication channels, etc,) or among processes of a given application.

Resources can be:

  • preemptable – if they can be withdraw from the processes that hold them.

    • ex: processor, memory regions used by a process address space.

  • non-preemptable – if they can only be released by the processes that hold them.

    • ex: a file, a shared memory region that requires exclusive access for its manipulation.

For this topic, only non-preemptable resources are relevant.

Illustrating deadlock

P needs S to proceed, which is on possession of Q.

Q needs R to proceed, which is on possession of P.

What are the conditions for the occurrence of deadlock?

Necessary conditions for deadlock

It can be proved that when deadlock occurs 4 conditions are necessarily observed:

  • It can be proved that when deadlock occurs 4 conditions are necessarily observed:

  • mutual exclusion – only one process may use a resource at a time.

    • if another process requests it, it must wait until it is released.

  • hold and wait – A process waits for some resources while holding others at the same time.

  • no preemption – resources are non-preemptable.

    • only the process holding a resource can release it, after completing its task.

  • circular wait – a set of waiting processes must exist such that each one is waiting for resources held by other processes in the set.

    • there are loops in the graph.

IIlustrating with the philosopher dinner problem

5 philosophers are seated around a table, with food in from of them. To eat, every philosopher needs two forks, the ones at her/his left and right sides. Every philosopher alternates periods in which she/he medidates with periods in which she/he eats.

Modelling every philosopher as a different process or thread and the forks as resources, design a solution for the problem.

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