

A semaphore is a synchronization mechanism, defined by a data type plus two atomic operations, down and up.

Data type:


  • down

    • block process if val is zero.

    • decrement val otherwise.

  • up

    • if queue is not empty, wake up one waiting process (accordingly to a given policy).

    • increment val otherwise.

Note that val can only be manipulated through these operations.

  • It is not possible to check the value of val.

An implementation of semaphores

Internally, the block_on_sem function must enable interruptions.

This implementation is typical of uniprocessor systems. Why?

Semaphores can be binary or not binary.

How to implement mutual exclusion using semaphores?

  • Using a binary semaphore.

Bounded-buffer problem

How to implement using semaphores?

  • guaranteeing mutual exclusion and absence of busy waiting.

fifo.notEmpty()and fifo.notFull() are no longer necessary. Why?

One can easily make a mistake.

What is wrong with this solution? It can cause deadlock.

Analysis of semaphores

Concurrent solutions based on semaphores have advantages and disadvantages.


  • Support at the operating system level – operations on semaphores are implemented by the kernel and made available to programmers as system calls.

  • General – they are low level contructions and so they are versatile, being able to be used in any type of solution.


  • Specialized knowledge – the programmer must be aware of concurrent programming principles, as race conditions or deadlock can be easily introduced.

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