Exercise 5 and 6

Determine which method are actually loaded from the MediaCodec.apk shared libraries.


Do we have interfaces matching the functions we know to be native?

  • int bspatch(String str, String str2, String str3).

  • void m2054a(String s)

strings lib/x86/librrnad.so |grep "(Ljava/lang/String"


Do we have dynamic linking? Let's look for methods following the known pattern.

  • nm –gD lib/x86/librrnad.so |grep java_, none is found.


  • We have artefacts pointing to Java types.

  • We do not indicate Dynamic Linking.


Open ghidra, create a new project and load a library.

Several interesting functions were discovered.

  • JNI_Load,

  • registerNatives, registerNativeMethods,

  • FUN_00011230, FUN_000270, FUN_11290, FUN_112b4,

  • native_setAppKey

Coherent with Static Linking.

Explore the functions, exports, Classes, etc… lots of info.

Graph -> Block Flow from JNI_OnLoad.

Decompile JNI_OnLoad

Loading the jni_all.gdt, and retyping the variables, allows the resolution of symbols, such as the FindClass.



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