Application Structure

Applications are packaged into a single file: APK.

  • Applications are packaged into a single file: APK.

APK Content

  • ETA-INF/MANIFEST.MF: Same use as in the JAR format.

    • May have additional key/value pairs for Android-specific metadata.

  • META-INF/*: Other files (for example *.version) that are used to add more detail.

  • classes.dex: Compiled and bundled Android classes.

    • APK may contain other dex files such as classes1.dex, classes2.dex…

  • *.properties: Configuration parameters for frameworks used by the app.

  • res/**: Static resources bundled so that they could be used at run-time by the app.

  • resources.arsc: A file of compiled resources that are bundled together

    • similar to classes.dex but for non-executable objects.

APK Files

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