Removable Storage

Partitions on removable storage:

  • floppy disks – don’t have a partition table.

    • has a FAT12 file system as a single partition.

  • memory cards – typically use DOS partitions.

    • FAT32 – max volume size 32 GB, max file size 4 GB.

    • exFAT (or FAT64) – max volume size 128 PB, max file size 128 PB.

  • external hard drives.

    • DOS partitions are commonly sold already with an NTFS file system in place.

Optical disks:

  • CDs – ISO 9660.

    • ISO 9660 is very strict about file names.

    • there are extensions (Joliet, Rock Ridge) to overcome these limitations.

    • there are also hybrid CDs:

      • ISO 9660 + Joliet.

      • ISO 9660 + Apple HPS.

    • bootable CDs for intel PCs can contain a DOS partition.

  • CD-R.

    • use sessions, each one can be treated as a partition.

    • each time data is added to the CD-R a new session is created.

    • most OS only show the last created session.

      • on OS X it’s possible to see all sessions.

      • on Linux, it’s possible to manually mount previous sessions.

      • on Windows-specific software is required e. g. Iso Buster

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