Logical acquisition

How it works?

  • acquisition software asks handset what data is available.

  • handset may or may not provide data.

    • usually, it's not possible to get deleted data.

  • different protocols are used for:

    • different handsets and OS.

    • different data types.

  • Different types of logical acquisition.

    • full acquisition (through an agent app).

    • ask the smartphone to do a backup.

What data can be retrieved in a logical acquisition?

Logical acquisition requires access to the OS.

How to beat the security code?

  • ask the owner!

  • XRY can get the security codes of some devices, check the “Device Manual".

  • smudged swipe pattern.

  • manufacturers defaults (check user manual).

  • on some devices, XRY can do a physical acquisition without the security code.

Last updated