Forensic Sorting Tools

Windows Registry

  • requires the SAM, SOFTWARE, SYSTEM and NTUSER.DAT registry files.

  • doesn't process the registry files of the running operating system.

  • shows information about (Windows 2000 or higher).

    • the operating system.

    • installed software.

    • the last user activity.

    • the user settings.

    • and many other details.

  • the amount of information for each category can be configured in the settings dialog.

  • it allows you to save, print, and search the generated report.

  • requires the SAM, SOFTWARE, and SYSTEM files.

  • extracts the following information:

    • RID, Login Name, Name, Description, User Comment

    • LM Hash, NT Hash.

    • Last Login Date, Password Reset Date, Account Expiry Date, Login Fail Date.

    • Login Count, Failed Logins, Profile Path, Groups.

For crashed machines, registry configuration, and data recovery.

It allows us to explore:

  • File information

  • SAM

  • Security Record Explorer

  • Windows Installation

  • Hardware

  • User Data

  • Startup Applications

  • Services and Drivers

  • Network Configuration

  • Windows Firewall Settings

  • Environment

  • Shell Folders

  • Outlook Express

  • Raw Data

Free software program for finding files on your PC or network drives.

  • Fast search (less time waiting).

  • Powerful search capabilities (Boolean expressions, Perl regex).

  • Supports Microsoft Office and Libre Office file formats.

Portable Applications

Collection of freeware tools, such as:

  • DataProtectionDecryptor – decrypts passwords of Microsoft Outlook accounts, credentials files of Windows, wireless network keys, passwords in some versions of Internet Explorer, passwords, and cookies of Chrome Web browser.

  • JumpListsView – displays the information stored by the ’Jump Lists’.

  • Windows File Analyzer – decodes and analyzes to provide cached information.

  • BinText – extracts strings from binary files.

  • Data Converter – converts numbers, hexadecimal values, or dates.

  • EXIF Viewer – displays EXIF information from JPEG images.

  • eMule MET Viewer – shows various information from the eMule...

Multi-Purpose Tool

Very powerful and user-friendly tool:

  • Runs as a portable application, ideal to include in WinFE.

  • Search files.

  • Look for deleted files.

  • Copy files (e.g. cache and registry files).

  • Identify ADS (Alternate Data Stream).

  • Acquire storage devices and RAM.

  • Mount E01 files.

Last updated