Avoiding XSS

Synchronizer Tokens

Add hidden tokens to forms so that every post requires the correct token.

  • Token is random and unique for each form.

  • Server-side code verifies if the correct token is provided.


  • If a script makes a direct POST it will not have access to the latest token.

    <input type=“text” name=“login”></input>
    <input type=“password” name=“password”></input>
    <input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="KbyUmhTLMpYj7CD2di7JKP1P3qmLlkPt"/>

Upon the establishment of a session, a cookie with a random value is provided to the client.

The JS in the Client gets the cookie and resends the cookie in the header.


  • Assumes that only JS provided on a specific HTTPS connection may access the cookie.

    • Assumes correct browser behavior.

    • The browser will not let a script called from an external source have access to external cookies.

    • SameSite=Lax will only allow using cookies from same requests (GET, not POST), in a top-level operation.

      • Top level operation: A click or something that changes the location.

Server will set:

Set-Cookie: csrf_token=i8XNjC4b8KVok4uw; Expires=some_date; Max-Age=some_age; Path=/;
Domain=.site.org; SameSite=Lax; Secure
JS will call:
GET /index?csrf_token=i8XNjC4b8KVok4uw

Setting the SameSite to Strict instructs browser to only provide the cookie to requests from that site.

  • Similar to Lax, but without exceptions to safe requests.


  • If the SameSite is set, an external script will not have access to the token.

Server sets:

Set-Cookie: csrf_token=i8XNjC4b8KVok4uw; Expires=some_date; Max-
Age=some_time; Path=/; Domain=.wikipedia.org; SameSite=Strict; Secure

Legit JS will have access to the cookie, External JS won’t.

Two cookies are used.

  • Session Cookie: identifies the user, stable across the session duration.

  • CSRF cookie: dynamically changing for each request.


  • External requests will not have information about the last CSRF cookie.

  • May allow sites to force a specific interaction sequence as CSRF cookies may identify the previous location.

Last updated