Vulnerability Management Life Cycle

Establish a Baseline

Select the assets to be assessed and define priorities.

  • Some assets may be excluded due to potential impact or cost.

Characterize the systems/software state.

Determine what is known and what must be assessed.

  • Known vulnerabilities may be ignored from the assessment.

Vulnerability Assessment

Assess the entities for vulnerabilities.

  • Takes into consideration priorities.

  • Takes into consideration scope.

Construct a detailed report with:

  • What vulnerability was found?

  • What are the affected entities?

  • What are the recommendations to handle it?

Assessment usually doesn’t exploit the vulnerability or build an exploit chain.

  • It’s not a penetration test.

Assessment Methods

A subject close to software testing but with a focus on security-related impact.

  • Extensively studied in the Robust Software course.

Highly dependent on the scope of the assessment.

  • Application: Static, Dynamic, or Component Analysis.

  • Network entity: Protocol, message, authentication, authorization analysis.

  • Processes/Companies: OSINT, Social Engineering.

Assessment Strategies

Black Box

Researchers have no information about internal aspects and are presented with a publicly available view.

  • No source code, no documentation.

  • Assumes an actor with a specific set of resources.

    • Script kiddie, a researcher, competitor, a crowd-based effort.

Aims to mimic assessments from outside attackers.

  • Finds what can be explored by intruders with no access.

    • Usually finds vulnerabilities easier to exploit.

  • May find alternative paths and use cases (which may present vulnerabilities).

Limited on the impact of the assessment.

  • Existing vulnerabilities with remedies (e.g. Firewall) may not be detected.

White Box

Researchers are given full documentation and access to systems.

  • A replica of the production system.

  • The production system with a limited scope.

  • The source code and infrastructure code.

Aims to find faults and bugs in all scoped domains.

  • Assumes an actor at any location (insider and outsider).

  • Finds what can be exploited by: outsiders, insiders, outsiders with lateral movement.

  • May mimic specific users and roles.

Extensive (and expensive) analysis of the domains.

  • Remedies are known and considered, but vulnerability may still be found.

Gray Box

Some information is provided to researchers.

  • Documentation about the application or systems.

  • A specific set of credentials.

Aims to find faults and bugs in a limited set of scoped domains.

  • Can mimic a specific user.

Risk Assessment

The company takes into consideration the report and assesses the risk.

  • For every asset with vulnerabilities.

  • Assign risk indicators (3-4 levels).

Risk assessment may take into consideration all vulnerabilities found.

  • Individual vulnerabilities may be combined in an exploit chain with higher impact.


Researchers should carefully document assessments.

  • Describe the rationale for the assessment, the strategy, and the findings.

  • Essential in cooperation between teams.

Important to understand how vulnerability was explored, and what the impact may be.

  • Wrong attitude: we found this, you are not doing your job.

  • Correct attitude: we found this, which may be caused by that, this is the impact, you may fix it by doing X.

    • Clients may not understand the vulnerability, the reason, or the impact.


The company implements methods to increase the security of its assets.

May fix the vulnerability.

  • Correct software bugs or flaws.

  • Implement specific configurations.

  • Update software/firmware.

  • This capability is not always present.

May reduce the impact of a successful exploitation.

  • Implement mechanisms that reduce impact to a smaller domain.

  • Implement redundancy and fail recovery.

This may increase the cost of exploiting the vulnerability.

  • Deploy firewalls or change its rules.

  • Increase isolation so that assets are not available in a domain.


Verifies the effectiveness of the remediation.

Involves assessing the existence and risk of the vulnerabilities found.

  • Using the same scope!

  • Vulnerability risk may be similar if explored from other perspectives.

    • E.g. External vs Internal actor.


Deploys mechanism to detect the vulnerability being explored.

  • May consider variations.

Involves configuring Firewalls, log analysis systems, IDS/NIDS/HIDS, profillers.

Last updated