Types of Assessments


Runs software to discover network hosts.

  • Send probes.

  • Checks information repositories.

Runs tools to actively test software/systems.

  • Sends crafted arguments, payloads, and packets.

  • Creates flaws.

  • MiTM, DoS, etc…

May disrupt systems!

  • Detection of vulnerability may have an impact.


Runs software to eavesdrop on traffic.

Observe logs and dumps.

  • Network logs.

  • Service/application logs.

  • Host logs.

  • May be run for a long time in production.

Minimal impact.


Focus on the public exposition.

  • External attackers.


  • Publicly available routers and firewall rules.

  • Publicly available IP Ports.

  • Public services (DNS).

  • Information exposed to the public.

  • Security mechanisms (throttling, TLS, blocking).

Allows to find vulnerabilities and enable deployment of countermeasures at FWs.

  • For assessment and exploitation.

Host Based

Focus on misconfigurations, permissions, existing software, and updates.


  • Servers.

  • VMs.

  • Workstations and Laptops.

Allows for finding vulnerabilities that could be explored by insiders or an attacker that gained access to the systems.


Focus on the communications of the network infrastructure.

  • Rules, misconfigurations, updates.

  • Individual services (FTP, SMTP, LDAP).


  • Communication links.

  • Networking Gear.

Finds how exposed systems are to exploitation.

Finds what information may be leaked.


Focus on the wireless communications of the network infrastructure and support services.

  • Rules, misconfigurations, updates.

  • Authentication, confidentiality, and access control.

  • Guest access.


  • Wireless Networking Gear.

  • Authentication servers.

  • Networking Gear (VLANs).

Similar to network, but with specific tools due to range and authn/authz.


Focus on a single application.

  • Input-output.

  • Logic errors.

  • Authentication and authorization processes.

  • Operational assumptions.

  • Related services (databases, firewalls).


  • Application.

  • Service.

Finds software vulnerabilities in the targeted application.

  • Bugs or flaws.

Last updated