Authentication Flow State


HTTP is stateless and provides no way of keeping state.

  • Besides WebSockets in HTML5.

Most applications over HTTP need a state for good purposes.

  • User preferences.

  • Navigation history.

  • Authentication state.

Some use it for less noble purposes, usually compromising privacy.

  • Track users across multiple sites for advertising purposes.

  • Profile user behavior.

Keeping Mechanisms

  • Referer header.

  • SESSION_ID, or SID, or other custom headers.

  • Cookie.

  • JSON Web Token

Use of the URL

GET /internal/private.html?pass=secret&sid=234234 HTTP/1.1

Input encoded as part of the URL as Request Arguments.

GET request is expected to have side effects.

  • Arguments control language, authentication, and authorization.

Should be avoided at all costs to transport state

Arguments are visible in the browser.

  • A use problem if your browser is visible: public presentation, remote lecture, over-the-shoulder eavesdropping.

Arguments may be logged by the web server.

  • Enable compromise if logs are accessed by an attacker.

SEO is broken: different users will have different URLs for the same resource.

The cache may be impacted: unique URLs limit the use of caches.

Use of a POST request

POST /doLogin HTTP/1.1
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows 10)
Content-Length: 34



GET is used to REQUEST information.

  • Can be resent by browsers.

  • May be logged, cached, bookmarked, or kept in the browser history.

  • Should not change server-side state (no side effects).

    • Frequently it will change state, or create logs.

POST is used to UPDATE information.

  • Will not be cached, bookmarked, or kept in browser history.

  • May not be logged §Is not visible to users.

  • Is expected to change the server-side state (has side effects).

Last updated