Desenvolvimento iterativo

Cada iteração envolve escolher um pequeno subconjunto dos requisitos, para projetar/desenhar, implementar e testar.

  • Desenvolvimento em ciclos curtos

  • Cada ciclo dá um incremento executável (parcial)

  • Cada incremento é testado e integrado

  • O feedback de cada iteração leva ao refinamento e adaptação da próxima.

Continuously integrating the “units”

The essence of it lies in the simple practice of everyone on the team integrating frequently.

CI makes the development process smoother and less risky.

CI involves triggering a (remote) build when a change gets committed to the code repository, which includes: fetching the code from source code repository, compiling code, running automated tests and creating build out of it.

Suggested development workflow

  1. Update from shared SCM

  2. Code a new feature (tests + code) in a dedicate feature branch

  3. Run automated build on local machine

    1. Repeat #2 and #3 till tests pass

  4. Commit (integrate with “central”)

    1. Pull requests advised (with peer code review)

  5. Run a build on a clean machine

    1. Update artifacts, update build status (feedback)

    2. Immediately fix bugs and integration issues

The build process

A build has several stages.

A successful build implies success in code correctness and quality checks.

Automatic build tools run quality checks (e.g.: unit testing, code inspections).

Last updated