Explicit risk estimation

Explicit risk estimation can be used where:

  • We are unable (or unwilling) to address the hazards via a code of practice or comparison with a reference system;

  • Deviations are necessary from codes of practice or reference systems;

  • We need to explicitly analyze the hazards and evaluate design principles or safety measures.

Explicit risk estimation is an assessment of the risks associated with hazard(s).

The risk is defined as a combination of:

  • The rate of the occurrence of the hazard causing harm (the frequency);

  • The degree of severity of the harm (the consequence).

Explicit risk estimation can be qualitative, semi-quantitative, or quantitative.

  • Depending on the availability of data and confidence in such data.

The methods used for explicit risk estimation shall reflect correctly the system under assessment and its parameters (including all operational modes).

The results shall be sufficiently accurate to provide a robust basis for decision-making.

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