Defenses Methods


Prevent attackers from violating security policy.


Detect attackers’ violation of security policy.


Stop attacks, assess, and repair damage. Continue to function correctly even if the attack succeeds



  • To ensure confidentiality and integrity of data.

  • Weak encryption can be worse than no encryption.

Software / Program Controls

  • Prevent outside attacks.

  • Maintained and developed to ensure confidence.

Development controls

  • Quality standards (e.g. recommending Penetration Testing).

Program controls include

  • Internal program controls: parts of the program that enforce security restrictions.

    • i.e. access limitations in a database management program.

  • Operating system and network system controls limitations enforced by the operating system or network to protect each user from all other users.

    • i.e. chmod on UNIX: (Read, Write, Execute) vs. (Owner, Group, Other).

  • Independent control programs: application programs.

    • i.e. password checkers, intrusion detection utilities, or virus scanners, that protect against certain types of vulnerabilities.

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