Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI)

It requires a digital wallet.

  • For keeping digital credentials.

  • Credentials are Verifiable Credentials that can prove to a verifier:

    • Who is the issuer

    • To whom they were issued

    • Whether it has been altered since it was issued

    • Whether it has been revoked by the issuer

Types of credentials

Third-party attested credentials.

  • The credentials a person shows to others to prove their identity attributes.

  • They imply the trust of the credential receiver in the credentials’ issuers.

    • Usually verified through cryptographic means.

Self-attested credentials.

  • What I say about myself.

    • Opinion, preference, consent.

  • Still needs credentials issued by TTPs.

    • To associate identity attributes recognized by others to your opinion, preference or consent.

Credential issuers

They act in response to requests of credentials’ owners.

  • And not the services they access.

They can change/revoke issued credentials at any time.

  • But credential owners can still use them.

  • Revocation verification should not require contact with the credential issuer.

    • Some public repositories must exist (blockchain).

P2P sessions

Each entity possesses a wallet, which contains an asymmetric key pair.

Thus, each pair of entities can establish a secure, P2P “connection”, or “session”. With which they can securely exchange credentials

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