PAP & CHAP (RFC 1334, 1992, RFC 1994, 1996)

Protocols used in PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol).

  • Unidirectional authentication, where the authenticator is not authenticated.

PPP was developed in 1992, mostly used for dial-up connections.

PPP protocols are used by PPTP VPNs.

  • e.g.

PAP (PPP Authentication Protocol).

  • Simple UID/password presentation.

  • Insecure cleartext password transmission.

CHAP (CHallenge-response Authentication Protocol).

  • Aut → U: authID, challenge

  • U → Aut: authID, MD5( authID, pwd, challenge ), identity

  • Aut → U: authID, OK/not OK

  • The authenticator may require a reauthentication anytime

MS-CHAP (Microsoft CHAP)

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