Type of Attacks


Some of the most common are:

  • Fun and/or hacking reputation.

  • Political purposes.

  • Military purposes.

  • Economical purposes.

Technical objectives

  • Operation disruption.

    • (Distributed) Denial-of-Service.

  • Resource hijack.

    • Spam,

    • Crypt-currency mining/mastermodes,

    • Platform to other attacks!

  • For data interception.

    • Personal data.

      • As the final goal,

      • As a tool to achieve more valuable information.

    • Technical data.

      • Usually used to achieve more valuable information.

    • Commercial data.

      • Digital objects, financial and/or engineering plans, ...

  • All.

    • Disruption to intercept!

    • Intercept to disrupt!

Disruption may be used to achieve interception!

Interception may be used to achieve disruption (operational or commercial).

Disruption Attacks

Distributed DoS

  • Multiple slow/small devices generating traffic to a target.

    • TCP vs. UDP.

Solution at target.

  • Load-balancers.

  • For TCP, maybe it's possible to survive making active (with licit client validation) session resets (server/ firewalls).

    • White list solution, for completed session negotiation.

  • For UDP/DNS, block requests for known external relay/redirection DNS servers (blocks attack amplification, IP target spoofing).

    • Doesn't work with large botnets and direct requests to target.

Solution at source

  • Anomalous behaviors detection.

    • Low traffic variations are hard to detect.

    • Destinations of traffic changes.

    • With "really low" data rates is impossible to detect.

Denial of service by physical signal jamming

  • Pure disruption, or

  • Disruption to activate secondary channels (more easily compromised).

  • Solution.

    • Detect, localized source, and physically neutralize.

Last updated