Security Metrics

Access Management

  • How many users have privileged access, and how often is used?

  • Shared passwords between staff.


  • Percentage of devices fully patched and up to date.

Days to patch

  • The average time between patch availability and deployment.

Unidentified devices.

  • Illicitly deployed devices.

  • BYoD policy, legacy devices, unlisted devices, IoT devices, etc ...

Security devices

  • Average/maximum load per time period.

Intrusion attempts

  • Amount of detected and undetected attempts (in real-time or after offline auditing).

Cost per incident

  • Includes staff overtime, external support, investigation costs, employee productivity loss, loss of communication, service failure, etc...

Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)

  • The average time between failures (hardware and/or software).

  • General or per-device service.

Mean Time To Recovery (MTTR)

  • The average time between failure and recovery (hardware and/or software).

Mean Time To Detect (MTTD)

  • The average time between the intrusion and the detection.

Mean Time To Acknowledge (MTTA)

  • The average time between detection and the start of the counter-measurement deployment.

Mean Time To Contain (MTTC)

  • The average time between the start of the counter-measurement deployment and complete mitigation.

Mean Time To Resolve (MTTR)


Last updated