LAR – Location Aided Routing

The main problems of previous mechanisms

Node location changes rapidly.

No information regarding:

  • Current location.

  • Speed.

  • Direction.

Knowing the location.

  • Minimizes the search zone.

  • No need to flood the network.

Knowing the speed and/or direction.

  • More minimization of the search zone.

  • Increases the probability to find the necessary node.

Location-Aided Routing (LAR)

Each node knows its location at every moment.

Using location information for route discovery.

Routing is done using the last known location + an assumption.

Route discovery is initiated when.

  • S does not know a route to D.

  • The previous route from S to D is broken.


  • Location knowledge.

  • No error.

  • 2D movement.

  • Full cooperation.

Location information

  • Alignment of satellites and ground stations.

  • Global Positioning System (GPS) - USA.

  • Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) - Russia.

  • Galileo – EU.

  • 3D positioning.

  • Accuracy 3-100 meters.

  • Can provide further information.

    • Velocity.

    • Time.

  • Cutting-edge technology.

  • Already in use in many fields.


Expected Zone

  • S knows the location L of D in t0.

  • Current time t1.

  • The location of D in t1 is the expected zone.

  • Assume Max/Avg speed v.

Request Zone

  • Flood with a modification.

  • Node S defines a request zone for the route request.

  • How to determine the size and shape of the request zone?

  • Several considerations.

    • If the destination’s EZ does not include the source node, other regions must be included in the RZ.

    • Not always a route will be found using a certain RZ.

Scheme 1


Node I receives RREQ.

  • Location of I (Xi, Yi).

  • If it is within the rectangular, I forwards the RREQ to its neighbors.

  • Else I discards the RREQ.

Node D receives the RREQ.

  • Replies RREP.

  • Adds its current location.

Some issues

The rectangular size is proportional to:

  • Average speed (v).

  • Time elapsed (t1-t0).


  • Low speed -> small v in the same (t1-t0) -> smaller RZ.

  • High speed -> large v in the same (t1-t0) -> larger RZ.


  • D can add its speed/avg. speed in the RREP, this can help other nodes in future route discoveries.

  • D can piggyback its location in other packets.

Last updated