Building a container
Create all the namespaces and cgroups.
Usually by using a template.
Create a "virtual disk" for the container.
A directory that contains the file system for the container.
A host exists (and a directory for it).
Run chroot for the container's file system.
The file system needs all the libraries/files necessary to execute the program.
Initiate the program we wish to containerize.
This process will have PID 1 inside the container.
This process can mount procfs and other pseudo file systems.
Namespaces can be used to limit the information relative to these pseudo file systems.
Due to the network namespace, the containerized processes can't see the network interfaces from the host.
But it is also unusual to attribute real network interfaces to a namespace. (It would have an impact on the host).
Container networks.
Create a pair of ethernet network interfaces: 2 interfaces, point-to-point connected, connecting the host to the container.
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