
Sometimes an exact time is needed, not just an order.

UTC: Universal Coordinated Times

  • Based on the number of transitions of an atom of cesium 133 in one second (atomic clock).

  • Currently, the UTC value is the average between 50 atomic clocks from all around the globe.

  • It introduces a leap second to compensate for the fact that days get increasingly longer.

UTC values are radio-broadcasted in short-wave and satellite.

  • Satellites have a precision of about 5ms.



The objective is to keep the drift between two clocks under a limit π.

  • ∀t,∀p,q : |Cp(t)−Cq(t)| ≤ π

  • C(p) is the calculated time value for the p machine at t UTC time instant.


The objective is to keep the drift between the clock and the UTC time.

  • ∀t,∀p : |Cp(t)−t| ≤ α


  • Internal: precise clocks.

  • External: exact clocks.

Clock Drift

Specifications of a clock:

  • Maximum clock drift rate - ρ

  • F(t) is the oscillation frequency of a hardware clock at a given t moment.

  • F is the ideal clock (constant) frequency.

Last updated