
Isolation is achieved by exploring the same CPU in two different worlds (or states).

  • Normal world -> for running the Rich OS.

  • Secure world -> for running the Secure OS.

A CPU flag bit defines the current world.

  • NS bit of the SCR (Secure Configuration Register)

  • 0 - Secure state

  • 1 - Non-secure state

Protected hardware resources

ARM (v8) exception levels

Similar to run levels.

TrustZone introduces one EL more.

  • Secure monitor (EL3).

Combination of exception levels and states.

Access to the Secure world

Calls from the Rich OS.

  • SMC (Secure Monitor Call).

  • Typically implemented by Rich OS drivers.

Interrupts from the Secure hardware.

  • Must be handled by the Secure OS.

Both enter first in EL3.

  • They are then dispatched to the Secure world.

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