
Nmap is a powerful tool for scanning ports, searching for vulnerabilities, enumerating services, and discovering live hosts. For API discovery, you should run two Nmap scans in particular: general detection and all port.

The Nmap general detection scan uses default scripts (-sC) and service enumeration (-sV) against a target and then saves the output in three formats for later review (-oX for XML, -oN for Nmap, -oG for greppable, or -oA for all three):

nmap -sC -sV [target address or network range] -oA nameofoutput

The Nmap all-port scan will quickly check all 65,535 TCP ports for running services, application versions, and host operating system in use:

nmap -p- [target address] -oA allportscan

As soon as the general detection scan begins returning results, kick off the all-port scan. Then begin your hands-on analysis of the results. You’ll most likely discover APIs by looking at the results related to HTTP traffic and other indications of web servers. Typically, you’ll find these running on ports 80 and 443, but an API can be hosted on all sorts of different ports. Once you discover a web server, you can perform HTTP enumeration using a Nmap NSE script (use -p to specify which ports you'd like to test).

nmap -sV --script=http-enum <target> -p 80,443,8000,8080

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