Linear Maps

When working modulo mm it suffices to work with integers in the range 0,1,...,m10, 1, ..., m-1.

Let f(x;m,a)=(ax)modmf(x;m,a) = (ax)modm be the linear map xx-> (ax)modm(ax) mod m from Zm\mathbb{Z}_m into itself.

Recall that a function f(x)f(x) is said to be linear if f(αxβy)=αf(x)+βf(y)f( \alpha x * \beta y) = \alpha f(x) + \beta f(y) for all α,β,x\alpha , \beta , x and yy.

For example, for m=4m=4 the linear map with a=2a = 2 (on the left) is not invertible, but the linear map with a=3a = 3 (on the right) is invertible.

map for m=4 and a=2
map for m=4 and a=3

0 -> 0

0 -> 0

1 -> 2

1 -> 3

2 -> 0

2 -> 2

3 -> 2

3 -> 1

Why are we interested in inverting the map? Because the map scambles the elements of Zm\mathbb{Z}_m and we may be interested in unscrambling them (think in cryptographic terms).

So, what is the inverse map?

It turns out that the inverse map if it exists, is also linear.

More specifically, the inverse map of f(x,m,amodm)f(x, m, a mod m) is f(x,m,a1modm)f(x, m, a^{-1} mod m), where a1modma^{-1} mod m is the modular inverse of amodma mod m. Indeed, if y=f(x;m,a)=axmodmy = f(x; m,a) = ax mod m then x=a1ymodmx = a^{-1}y mod m.

Since the modular inverse of aa modulo mm only exists when gcd(a,m)=1gcd(a, m) = 1 the linear map is invertible if and only if gcd(a,m)=1gcd(a,m) = 1.

Keep in mind that we wish to devise a way to encrypt information by providing public data to do so (in this case it would be mm and aa).

Alas, this way of scrambling information is very easy to unscramble, so useless from a cryptography point of view.

Modular multiplication scrambles the information but it is easy to undo if we know mm and aa. What about modular exponentiation?

A Failed Cryptosystem

The Merklw-Hellman knapsack cryptosystem keeps the following information secret:

  • a set W={w1,w2,...,wn}W = \lbrace w_1, w_2, ..., w_n \rbrace of nn positive integers, such that wkw_k is a super-increasing sequence. i.e: wk>i=1k1wiw_k \gt \sum^{k-1}_{i=1}w_ i for 2kn2 \le k \le n.

  • a modulus mm such that m>i=1nwim \gt \sum^n_{i=1} w_i

  • a scrambling integer aa such that gcd(a,m)=1gcd(a,m) = 1.

and publishes the following information: set W={w1,w2,...,wn}W' = \lbrace w'_1, w'_2, ..., w'_n \rbrace, where wi=(awi)modmw'_i = (aw_i)mod m, for 1in1 \le i \le n.

It is much better to publish a random permutation of WW'. To send a message composed by the nn bits αk,1kn\alpha_k, 1 \le k \le n, compute and send.

C=k=1nakwkC = \sum^n_{k=1}a_kw'_k

This is a hard knapsack problem (in this case a subset sum problem). To decipher transform it into a trivial knapsack problem by computing a1Cmodma^{-1}C mod m, which is equal to k=1nakwk\sum^n_{k=1}a_kw_k and so can be solved by a greedy algorithm.

Merkle-Hellman Knapsack Example

The following example shows the Merklw-Hellman cryptosystem in action.

  • Secret data: W={1,3,5,12,22,47},m=100W = \lbrace 1, 3, 5, 12, 22, 47 \rbrace, m = 100 and a=13a = 13.

  • Public data: W={13,39,65,56,86,11}W' = \lbrace 13, 39, 65, 56, 86, 11 \rbrace.

  • Unencrypted message to be sent: A={0,0,1,1,0,1}A = \lbrace 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1 \rbrace

  • Encrypted message sent: C=013+039+165+156+086+111=132C = 0*13 + 0*39 + 1*65 + 1*56 + 0*86 + 1*11 = 132

  • To decrypt compute 132131mod100=3277mod100=64132 * 13^{-1} mod 100 = 32 * 77 mod 100 = 64 and then reason as follows [greedy algorithm for the easy subset sum problem]:

    • 4747 must be used to form the sum because 64>4764 \gt 47. Hence α6=1\alpha_6 = 1. The rest of the sum is 6447=1764-47=17.

    • 2222 cannot be used to form the sum because 17<2217 \lt 22. Hence α5=0\alpha_5 = 0.

    • 1212 must be used to form the sum because 17>1217 \gt 12. Hence α4=1\alpha_4 = 1. The rest of the sum is 1712=517-12=5.

    • As so on. In this particular case, the next iteration finishes the deciphering process.

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