Manoeuvre Coordination Message (MCM)

Includes the intended (or planned) maneuvers and one or more desired (or alternative) trajectories.

  • Each trajectory is a spatial-temporal description of the vehicle C-ITS-Ss trajectory in the next 5 to 10s.

  • Planned trajectories are used by C-ITS applications to improve the prediction of future locations of nearby vehicles and to detect conflicts.

  • Desired trajectories are used to request coordination between vehicles.

It is expected that MCMs are generated continuously at a rate between 1 Hz and 10 Hz depending on the context.

  • Early detection of the need for maneuver coordination.

  • The MCS could include triggering conditions while also having the possibility of being triggered by an application.

For roadside applications, the MCMs are expected to include specific advice for specific vehicles, e.g. suggest a given speed or a lane change.

MCMs transmitted by roadside units are expected to be smaller in size (although they can include advice for multiple vehicles) and transmitted less frequently than those transmitted by vehicles.

Any Road user or other equipped road safety stakeholder could analyze the road traffic situation based on received information combined with other sensor data.

Advise or manage the road users on how to act to realize an efficient and safe resolution of the situation.


  • Goto maneuver;

  • Idle maneuver;

  • Follow Path maneuver;

  • Follow Trajectory;

  • Scheduled Goto;

  • Stop Maneuver;

  • Maneuver Done;

  • Teleoperation Maneuver;

  • Teleoperation Done;

  • ...

Last updated